Follow these steps to create you own dedicated V Rising server.
You can host a server at game server hosting provider:
Note: Every gaming server goes online immediately! A welcome email including your connection information (guide) will be sent to you when your gaming server is created.
@echo off start "" steamcmd.exe +login USER PASS +force_install_dir "C:\VRisingServer" +app_update 1829350 validate +quit
To start the server, create a batch file called StartServer.bat with the following
Run StartServer.bat and let it load (takes 10 minutes the first time)
Your local save files are located within this area on your computer:
However, just like with the settings, this can be overridden with the -persistentDataPath parameter.
Now comes the fun part, setting up your V Rising game server to your liking.
To modify game server settings you can create two files
You can create these files in your VRisingServer\Settings folder
You can modify settings in here (in addition to the launch line) – these settings overwrite your launch line settings:
{"Name" : "My V Rising Server","Description" : "This is a role playing server","Port" : 27015,"QueryPort" : 27016,"MaxConnectedUsers" : 10,"MaxConnectedAdmins" : 4,"SaveName" : "world1","Password" : "SuperSecret","ListOnMasterServer" : true,"AutoSaveCount" : 40,"AutoSaveInterval" : 120,"GameSettingsPreset" : "StandardPvP" }
If you want others to connect to your server, make sure you allow the program through the firewall. You might also need to forward ports on your router. To do this, please follow your manufacturer’s instructions for your particular router. If you want your server to show up on the server list you need to make sure that both the specified queryPort and gamePort is open in your firewall and forwarded on your router, otherwise just opening/forwarding the gamePort will be enough.
To become an administrator in the game you will first need to modify the adminlist.txt file under VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings/ with your steamId (one steamId per line). This can be done without restarting your server. To become an administrator in the game you need to enable the console in the options menu, bring it down with ~ and authenticate using the adminauth console command. Once an administrator you can use a number of administrative commands like banuser, bancharacter, banned, unban and kick.
If you ban users through the in-game console the server will automatically modify the banlist.txt located under VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings/ but you can also modify this manually (one steamId per line).
To join your V Rising server follow the below guide.
You can also join using your IP/Port that was setup in the first setup phase.
It is highly recommended to backup the save files often and before patching or before starting the server after having patched.
The current auto save settings allows you to set save interval and save count. So with the same amount of disk space you either save often but maybe not have that many save files (not so far back in time), or save less often (longer rollback in-case of crash) and have more save files, or high number of on both and consume more disk space. So, again, regularly backing up you save files is highly recommended in case your game state becomes corrupted.